Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day Twelve

So, the lemon & rosemary salmon that I made a couple of nights ago was amazing! It was a perfect quick dinner between jobs last night. The Paleo chicken salad I made with the roasted chicken leftovers was still tasty after a weekend in the work fridge, but it had dried out a little bit--should've taken the homemade mayo with me to moisten it up a bit.

Lunch today was totally Paleo in content but not in amount. I had some pistachios. Yeah, that's it. I really wasn't hungry, even in the afternoon. Not quite sure what happened there, but oh well. (I did make up for it with some dark chocolate...)

Tonight for dinner we had baked chicken legs and roasted asparagus, both from Practical Paleo. I used twice the amount of olives called for in the recipe because I love olives and I thought my husband might like the opportunity to have a few. This was the first big-time "Adam approved" meal that I've made. He's tolerated the rest and said, "Eh, it's ok" (only when I ask for feedback, not just telling me because he was raised better than that).

I don't know why this won't turn the right way up...

My favorite part about today was the deep tissue massage. I go every other week for a massage with the fantastic Dane Tjaden, owner of Serenity Massage and Bodywork. I've been going for over a year now, and we've made stilted progress with my horrendously knotted up muscles, but I've also kept eating crap and not drinking enough water. It'll be interesting to see if cutting out the awful processed foods and eating Paleo will make a difference between massages.

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